
People sit in a room on chairs in a circle with their eyes closed.

In-person mindfulness courses help improve mental health for at least six months

Date:July 10, 2023 Source:University of Cambridge https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230710113911.htm Summary:In-person mindfulness courses help improve mental health for at least six months, study shows. Adults who voluntarily take part in mindfulness courses are less likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression for at least six months after completing the programs, compared to adults who do not take…

Mindful communication and listening

Mindful communication and listening

For many, the communication and listening skills we have learned are not adequate to effectively respond to the challenges we are currently facing. Mindful communication and listening cultivates our ability to remain aware and harness the inner resources necessary to manage emotions and mental states, so that we may respond from a place of wisdom…

A small green tree, tiny, sprouts out of the mossy forest floor.

Essential mindfulness practices

Mindfulness, the practice of intentionally cultivating and directing our attention, intention, and awareness, offers essential tools to help us see clearly and respond skillfully. Begin, renew, or maintain your mindfulness practice. Allow a pause in your day and practice essential mindfulness tools, skills, and guided practices proven to promote well-being, clear-seeing, and peace of mind. Overview